The FWGNA Project
The FWGNA Projectis decentralized — Individuals and small teams working at the state or regional level are encouraged to seek independent funding. Underwriting opportunities available!
Contact Dr. Rob Dillon. -
Ongoing Discussion
Ongoing Discussion Don't miss the archive of FWGNA news posts and discussion now available through the FWGNA Blog, online at fwgna.blogspot.com
Continental Biogeography
Welcome to the Homepage of the FWGNA Project
A long-term, collaborative effort to inventory the entire gastropod fauna inhabiting all fresh waters across the continental United States and Canada.
Continental Synthesis
A study area including Delaware,
Maryland, New Jersey, eastern Pennsylvania and the West Virginia
panhandle... ›› more
The survey reported here is
focused on the eastern 75% of the state, draining from the Blue Ridge
to the Atlantic... ›› more
The four ecoregions of North
Carolina drain toward the Atlantic through six major river systems...
›› more
Although perhaps not as
environmentally heterogeneous as neighboring states, South Carolina
does include some... ›› more
The Atlantic drainages of Georgia,
comprising approximately 40% of the waters of the state, are presently
covered... ›› more
All waters of the Tennessee and
Cumberland River drainages, touching six states...
›› more
FWGNA Citation:
Dillon, R.T., Jr. and colleagues 2024. The Freshwater
Gastropods of North America.
Internet address:
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Contact FWGNA:
- Coordinator, Dr. Rob Dillon
- Visit Dr. Dillon's Homepage
- eMail: DillonR@fwgna.org
- Blog: fwgna.blogspot.com
- Website: www.fwgna.org
- Copyright © FWGNA. All rights reserved.
- P.O. Box 31532, Charleston, SC 29417 P: 843.670.8002