> Habitat & Distribution
Melanoides tuberculata was originally described from India, and boasts a vast native range extending from Southeast Asia through the Mideast and much of Africa. The first New World population seems to have been introduced into Arizona in the mid-1950s (Murray & Wopschall 1965, Dundee 1974), probably through the aquarium trade. By the mid-1960s several large Melanoides populations had become established in Texas and Florida, and in the 1970s and 1980s populations were reported in California, Nevada, Colorado, and Montana (Clench 1969, Murray 1971, Anderson 2004).
We are aware of two populations of M. tuberculata in our southern study area at the present writing, one in North Carolina and one in South Carolina, both inhabiting sandy creeks or ditches in the vicinity of coastal real estate developments, plus one unconfirmed report from Kingsland, GA. We are also aware of a single population in our Great Plains study area, inhabiting a hot springs in western South Dakota. The species is pseudo-rare in our 17-state study area, FWGNA Incidence rank I-1p.
> Ecology & Life History
populations seem
better adapted to rich or disturbed environments than is typical for
most prosobranchs. The snails tend to burrow into the
by day and emerge to graze by night (Beeston & Morgan 1979a,b;
Morgan & Last 1982). It seems possible that
may have evolved special adaptations to low levels of dissolved
oxygen. Populations also seem to tolerate, possibly even
in, somewhat elevated salinities (Roessler et al. 1977, Carvalho da
Silva & Barros 2015). The
population on Hilton Head Island (SC) seems to reach maximum density
grazing organic matter on shallow, sandy bottoms at a (strikingly high)
salinity around 14.5 ppt, and extends into salinities as extreme as
17.9 ppt.
Melanoides is an ovoviviparous brooder, its pallial oviduct being evolved into a brood pouch that holds eggs until they hatch. Newborn juveniles are released from the edge of their mother’s mantle at a standard shell length of approximately 2.0 mm. Males are entirely absent from most populations, reproduction typically taking place by apomictic parthenogenesis (Heller & Farstey 1990). See the studies of Jacob (1957a, b) for more about the chromosomal basis of parthenogenesis in this interesting organism.
Maturity can be reached in as little as 100 days, or require as long as 6 months, with continuous reproduction in some environments (Berry & Kadri 1974; Liveshits & Fishelson 1983), but seasonal peaks in others (Dudgeon 1986). Melanoides populations seem to post unusually high intrinsic rates of natural increase, by prosobranch standards (Pointier et al., 1991, Work & Mills 2013). Although perhaps not rivaling typical pulmonate populations in this regard, the superior survivorship of M. tuberculata populations and the high densities they are apparently able to sustain have recommended Melanoides introduction as a biological control for the medically important planorbid populations in the tropics and subtropics (Pointier & McCullough 1989, Pointier et al. 1989, 1994, but see Mkoji et al. 1992).
Melanoides populations serve as intermediate hosts for a variety of trematode parasites, back home in the Old World (Ismail & Arif 1993, Karamian et al. 2011) and here in the new (Tolley-Jordan and Chadwick 2018). The resistance of M. tuberculata shells to attack by crushing predators has been measured by West et al (1991), with consequences as elaborated by Hung et al. (2013).
> Taxonomy & Systematics
The Old World literature contains quite a few subspecies and synonyms for Melanoides tuberculata, presumably based on shell morphological differences among clones, which (blessedly) have not been introduced to the New World along with the snails themselves.
Livshits et al. (1984) published a nice old-school population genetics survey comparing four parthenogenetic and five sexually-reproducing Melanoides populations in Israel. Samadi et al. (1999) have described 16 different morphs of M. tuberculata worldwide, each apparently corresponding to a single clone. The molecular phylogenetic analysis of Facon et al. (2003) suggested that Old World clones can be divided into several clades – Pacific, Southeast Asia, and MidEast/Africa – and that our New World populations represent multiple introductions from the Old.
> Supplementary Resources
- Melanoides distribution in Atlantic drainages (2023)
- Melanoides distribution in The Great Plains (2024)
> Essays
- The North Carolina record of Melanoides tuberculata first came to my attention during a review of the USGS Nonindigenous Aquatic Species database I conducted in late 2015. See my blog post of 16Oct15, To Only Know Invasives.
- I reported the discovery of Melanoides in South Carolina in my post of 16Dec15, The Many Invasions of Hilton Head. You'll find more about the biology of the snail and an additional figure in that post as well.
- Perhaps unsurprisingly, Melanoides stocks are are widely retailed through the online aquarium trade. See my post of 9Oct 17 What's Out There and my post of 24Jan18, Snails by Mail.
> References
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