2011 Poster


2011 Event Venues

The New Science Center
College of Charleston

Located at the intersection of Coming and Calhoun Streets, across from the College Library. The NSCB Auditorium is Room 129 and the Geology Museum is in Room 223.

The CofC Wachovia Auditorium is located in Room 115 of the Beatty Center, 5 Liberty Street.

Copeland Auditorium,
Grimsley Hall, The Citadel

The Citadel’s Grimsley Hall is located at the north end of Summerall Field, on Jenkins Avenue.

The MUSC Hollings Cancer Center is located at 86 Jonathan Lucas St.

Maps of the CofC Campus, The Citadel and MUSC are available online.

The First Baptist Church of Charleston
is located at 48 Meeting Street

The Episcopal Cathedral of St. Luke and St. Paul is located at 126 Coming Street.

Darwin Links Worldwide

From the Institute for Humanist Studies

London Natural History Museum

University of Northern Iowa

Year of Darwin
Case Western Reserve

Darwin & Darwinism
Baruch College, New York
City University

Darwin 200
Nature Magazine Special

The Darwin Legend.org
Many articles & links here

Complete Works, and Worldwide Links

Darwin Days
Cornell University & the
Paleontological Research Institution, Ithica, NY

Darwin 200 Ireland
Events in Ireland

Darwin 200 Torquay/Plymouth
S.W. U.K. Events

Darwin's Reach
Hofstra University Events

The Wild Life of a Fly: Evolutionary Interactions Between Blood-Feeding Flies and Their Vertebrate Hosts

Monday, February 7 at 4:00 p.m.
New Science Center Auditorium

Dr. Peter H. Adler

Swarms of blood-seeking flies can affect vertebrate mating, migration, reproduction, and survival; the hosts respond with various defensive strategies. Little is known, however, about the specific relationships between most species of blood-feeding flies and their wildlife host populations.  Dr. Adler will review the consequences of blood-feeding from wildlife, especially endangered species, and present research results that begin to address these problems.

Dr. Peter Adler is Professor of Entomology at Clemson University, where he holds teaching and research appointments in the Departments of Biological Sciences and Entomology, Soils, and Plant Sciences.

The Creation-Evolution Controversy:
How did we get into this mess?

Monday, February 7 at 7:00 p.m.
First Baptist Church, sanctuary
48 Meeting Street

Dr. Karl Giberson

Karl Giberson is the president of the BioLogos Foundation, director of Gordon College’s Forum on Faith and Science, codirector of the Venice Summer School for Science and Religion, a professor at Eastern Nazarene College, and the author of four books, including his latest  Saving Darwin: How to Be a Christian and Believe in Evolution.

Kill the Peacemakers: The Challenges of Reconciling Science and Religion

Free Student Lunch and Lecture
Tuesday, February 8, 11:50 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Cathedral of St. Luke and St. Paul, fellowship hall
126 Coming Street

Dr. Karl Giberson


The 2011 Talks on Tap Darwin Week Debate:
Does Science Make Belief in God Harder or Easier?

Tuesday, February 8 at 7:30 p.m.
Wachovia Auditorium

Dr. Herb Silverman vs. Dr. Karl Giberson

Does the pursuit of empirical knowledge lead people away from spiritual mysteries? Late in life, Charles Darwin felt his religious belief erode while his theories of evolution grew more robust. Is Western society, like Darwin, destined for a similar fate? Join us for a debate to resolve whether science is a faith-killer or a faith-sustainer.

Karl Giberson is the president of the BioLogos Foundation, director of Gordon College’s Forum on Faith and Science, codirector of the Venice Summer School for Science and Religion, a professor at Eastern Nazarene College, and the author of four books, including his latest  Saving Darwin: How to Be a Christian and Believe in Evolution.

Dr. Herb Silverman is a Distinguished Professor of Mathematics at the College of Charleston. He founded the Secular Humanists of the Lowcountry, president of the Secular Coalition for America, a board member of the American Humanist Association, Atheist Alliance International, and Humanist Institute. He is the author of many articles in freethought publications, and is an "On Faith" panelist for the Washington Post online.

Modeling Tumor Evolution

Wednesday, February 9, at 5:00 p.m.
New Science Center Auditorum
Thursday, February 10, at 11:00 a.m.
MUSC Hollings Cancer Center Room 120

Dr. Alissa Weaver

Mathematical modeling can provide a valuable tool to integrate and analyze the effects of multiple variables on tumor cell dynamics. In silico experiments conducted at the Vanderbilt Integrative Cancer Biology Center highlight the effects of cell-cell competition and adaptability on tumor progression mechanisms.

Dr. Alissa Weaver is an Associate Professor of Cancer Biology in the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. She holds a Sigma Xi distinguished lectureship for 2010-11.

A New LENS Tool: Learning Evolution and the Nature of Science using Avida-ED Digital Evolution Software

Thursday, February 10, at 4:00 p.m.
New Science Center Auditorium

Dr. Robert T. Pennock

Dr. Pennock will review the pedagogical challenges that instructors face when teaching about evolution and some of the common misconceptions that students carry with them. He will then demonstrate Avida-ED, an artificial life environment where students can observe evolutionary processes in action and perform experiments to test evolutionary hypotheses in evolving digital organisms.

Evolution in Action: Observing Evolutionary Processes in Real Time

Thursday, February 10 at 6:30 p.m.
The Citadel, Grimsley Hall, Copeland Auditorium

Dr. Robert T. Pennock

Even members of the general public who accept evolution may labor under the misconception that our scientific understanding of the process derives entirely from the fossil record. Dr. Pennock will review both the nature of observational evidence and the recent advances in evolutionary modeling, using both natural and digital organisms, that have allowed scientists to directly investigate the mechanisms of evolution as they operate in the present.

Dr. Robert T. Pennock is Professor at Michigan State University, holding appointments in the departments of philosophy, computer science, and ecology/evolution. His book Tower of Babel: The Evidence against the New Creationism was called the “best book on creationism in all its guises” by the New York Review of Books. He was an expert witness in the historic Kitzmiller v. Dover Area School Board case that ruled that Intelligent Design creationism is not science.

The Fossil Record as Evidence for Evolution

Friday, February 11, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.
Geology Museum Open House!
New Science Center Room 223

Creationists argue that the fossil record does not document gradual evolution of life through time, as they insist must be true if it is to be regarded as evidence for evolution of life on Earth. But indeed the fossil record does unambiguously reveal a myriad of past life forms converging on life as it presently exists. Come, see, and discuss just a small sample of the fossil record on display at the new College of Charleston Natural History Museum “Creatures from the Past”.