2002. Wise, J., M. G. Harasewych, and R. T. Dillon. COI, allozyme, and morphological survey of the sinistral Busycon of North America. American Malacological Society. Charleston, SC.
2002. Smith, T. P., A. R. Wethington and R. T. Dillon. Evidence of social facilitation from interspecific crosses in Physa. American Malacological Society. Charleston, SC.
2002. Stewart, T.W., and R. T. Dillon. Geographic distribution and conservation status of Virginia’s freshwater gastropods. American Malacological Society. Charleston, SC.
2002. Wethington, A. R., R. T. Dillon, R. Guralnick and C. Lydeard. Delimiting species boundaries in the cosmopolitan freshwater snail, Physa (Physella) acuta group. Society for the Study of Evolution. Champaign-Urbana, IL.
2001. Dillon, R.T., A.R. Wethington, J.M. Rhett and T.P. Smith. Populations of the European freshwater pulmonate Physa acuta are not reproductively isolated from American Physa heterostropha or Physa integra. American Malacological Society, meeting with the World Congress of Malacology. Vienna, Austria.
2001. Wethington, A.R., R.T. Dillon, J. M. Rhett and C. Lydeard. Allozyme, 16s, and COI sequence divergence among populations of the cosmopolitan freshwater snail, Physa acuta. American Malacological Society, meeting with the World Congress of Malacology. Vienna, Austria.
2001. Dillon, R.T. and A. J. Reed. A survey of allozyme variation among Goniobasis populations inhabiting Atlantic drainages of the southeastern United States. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society. Pittsburgh, PA.
2000. Dillon, R.T. Sex ratio variation among populations of the freshwater snail, Goniobasis proxima. American Malacological Society. San Francisco, CA.
2000. Dillon, R.T. Evidence for density dependence in long-term censuses of freshwater mollusks. North American Benthological Society. Keystone, CO.
1999. Wethington, A. R., E. R. Eastman, and R. T. Dillon. Tests for sexual isolation among populations of a simultaneous hermaphrodite, the freshwater snail Physa. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society. Chattanooga, TN.
1999. Dillon, R. T., and E. P. Keferl. Survey of the pleurocerid snails of South Carolina. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society. Chattanoonga, TN.
1998. Wethington, A.R., and R. T. Dillon. Gender choice and gender conflict in Physa. American Malacological Union, meeting with the World Congress of Malacology. Washington, D.C.
1998. Dillon, R.T. The USR model of Life History Evolution in freshwater mollusks. American Malacological Union, meeting with the World Congress of Malacology. Washington, D.C.
1998. Wise, J., R. T. Dillon, and M. G. Harasewych. Morphological, allozyme, and RAPD survey of the sinistral Busycon of North America. American Malacological Union, meeting with the World Congress of Malacology. Washington, D.C.
1998. Dillon, R. T. A time series analysis of larval survivorship at the CMI scallop farm, Bahia Inglesa, Chile. National Shellfisheries Association, joint meeting with "Aquaculture 98." Las Vegas, NV.
1997. Dillon, R. T. A biogeographic analysis of freshwater mollusk diversity. North American Benthological Society. San Marcos, TX.
1997. Dillon, R. T. Allozyme frequencies and hard clam populations: The origin of the world's oldest hybrid zone. Invited symposium address, South Carolina Statewide Research Conference. Isle of Palms, SC.
1996. Dillon, R. T. The heritability of shell metrics in the freshwater snail, Physa heterostropha. Society for the Study of Evolution. St. Louis, Mo.
1996. Rosebrock, C., and R. T. Dillon. Individual instruction: A comparison of long-term trends in four science departments. South Carolina Academy of Sciences. Charleston, SC.
1995. Geiger, G. L., and R. T. Dillon. Map distances between three chromosome two loci in Drosophila melanogaster, as estimated from 20 semesters of ugly data. South Carolina Academy of Sciences. Greenville, SC.
1995. Austin, J. R., and R. T. Dillon. Genetic association between ulcerative colitis and GM/KM allotypes in two Japanese populations. South Carolina Academy of Sciences. Greenville, SC.
1994. Dillon, R.T., and A.R. Wethington. Population genetics of the freshwater snail, Physa heterostropha: Are estuaries barriers to dispersal? North American Benthological Society. Orlando, Fl.
1994. Dillon, R.T., and N.H. Hadley. Rapid morphometric discrimination between the hard clams Mercenaria mercenaria, Mercenaria campechiensis, and their hybrids. National Shellfisheries Association. Charleston, SC.
1994. Wethington, A.R., and R.T. Dillon. Selfing and outcrossing the the pulmonate snail, Physa heterostropha: estimates of absolute fitness. Society for the Study of Evolution. Athens, Ga.
1994. Dillon, R.T., and N.S. Dayan. The population genetics of Littorina irrorata: Is Florida the boundary it seems? Invited symposium address, American Malacological Union. Houston, Texas.
1993. Dillon, R.T., and A. R. Wethington. Albinism, isozymes, and the search for sperm "sharing" in the hermaphroditic freshwater snail, Physa. Society for the Study of Evolution. Snowbird, Utah.
1993. Dillon, R.T., and J. J. Manzi. Ranking bivalve broodstocks by progeny testing in commercial aquaculture. World Aquaculture Society (U.S. Chapter) / South Atlantic Aquaculture Conference. Hilton Head, S.C.
1992. Wethington, A.R., and R.T. Dillon. Reproductive development in the hermaphroditic freshwater snail, Physa, monitored with complementing albino lines. American Malacological Union, Sarasota, FL.
1992. Bradley, R.J., A.R. Wethington, and R.T. Dillon. The inheritance of pigmentation in the freshwater snail, Physa. SC Academy of Sciences, Conway.
1992. Eastman, E.R., A.R. Wethington, and R.T. Dillon. No premating reproductive isolation in Physa. SC Academy of Sciences, Conway.
1992. Wethington, A.R., and R.T. Dillon. Timing of reproductive development in Physa. SC Academy of Sciences, Conway.
1991. Dillon, R.T. Pleurocerid snails. Atlantic slope freshwater mollusk conservation workshop. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, Arlington, Va.
1991. Hadley, N.H., and R.T. Dillon. Determination of "best parents" in a spawning of hard clams by comparison of parental and progeny genotypes at six enzyme loci. National Shellfisheries Association, Portland, Me.
1991. Dillon, R.T. Reproductive isolation between natural populations of the northern quahog, Mercenaria mercenaria, and the southern quahog, M. campechiensis, in South Carolina. National Shellfisheries Association, Portland, Me.
1991. Hadley, N.H., and R.T. Dillon. Choosing hatchery broodstock. South Atlantic Regional Aquaculture Conference, Hilton Head, SC.
1990. Dillon, R.T., and A. R. Wethington. Sperm storage and multiple insemination in a natural population of the freshwater snail, Physa heterostropha. Invited symposium address - American Malacological Union, Woods Hole, Mass.
1989. Dillon, R.T., and J. J. Manzi. Reproductive isolation between hard clams, M. mercenaria and M. campechiensis, in the Indian River Lagoon, Florida. Joint meeting of the National Shellfisheries Association, World Aquaculture Society, and several others ("Aquaculture `89"), Los Angeles, Ca.
1989. Manzi, J.J., N.H. Hadley, and R.T. Dillon. Selection for rapid growth in the hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria. "Aquaculture `89", Los Angeles, Ca.
1988. Harris, S.E.G., R.T. Dillon, P.A. Sandifer, and L. J. Lester. Electrophoresis of isozymes in cultured Penaeus vannamei. Poster - International Association for Genetics and Aquaculture, Trondheim, Norway.
1988. Dillon, R.T. and K. B. Davis. The diatoms ingested by diverse freshwater snails co-occurring in a small mountain river. Amer. Malacological Union. Charleston, SC.
1988. McLean, D.C., R.T. Dillon, and J.J. Manzi. Variations in allelic frequencies in juveniles of the hard clam, M. mercenaria. National Shellfisheries Association, New Orleans, La.
1988. Manzi, J.J., N. H. Hadley, and R.T. Dillon. Selective breeding for rapid growth in M. mercenaria: Early growth and survival of high and mean-selected lines. National Shellfisheries Association, New Orleans, La.
1988. McLean, D.C., R.T. Dillon, and J.J. Manzi. Poster - Variations in allelic frequencies in juveniles of the hard clam, M. mercenaria. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston, Mass.
1988. Manzi, J.J., N.H. Hadley, and R.T. Dillon. Applied breeding of the hard clam, Mercenaria: Results of outcrossing selected commercial hatchery stocks. World Aquaculture Society, Honolulu, Ha.
1987. Dillon, R.T. and J.J. Manzi. Heterozygosity, growth, and linkage disequilibrium in hybrid populations of M. mercenaria. Invited symposium address - National Shellfisheries Association, Halifax, N.S.
1987. Dillon, R.T., and J.J. Manzi. Outcrossing selected lines of the hard clam, M. mercenaria. Invited symposium address - USA/Japan Natural Resources Panel on Aquaculture, Charleston, SC.
1986. Dillon, R.T. "Degree of speciation" estimated using artificial introductions and isozyme markers. Society for the Study of Evolution, Durham, N.H.
1986. Manzi, J.J., N.H. Hadley, and R.T. Dillon. Improved stocks of hard clams (Mercenaria spp.) through genetic manipulation. National Shellfisheries Association, Seattle, Wa.
1986. Dillon, R.T. and J.J. Manzi. Hybridization of hard clam (M. mercenaria) broodstocks II. Relationship between size and genotype. World Mariculture Society, Reno, Nv.
1986. Manzi, J.J., N.H. Hadley, and R.T. Dillon. Progress of genetic research on Mercenaria spp. at the SC Marine Resources Research Institute. Sixth Annual Shellfish Biology Seminar, Milford, Ct.
1985. Dillon, R.T. A new Monte Carlo method for assessing taxonomic similarity within faunal samples: Reanalysis of the gastropod community of Oneida Lake, NY. Invited symposium address - American Malacological Union, Kingston, RI.
1985. Manzi, J.J., N.H. Hadley, A.R. Eversole, and R.T. Dillon. Preliminary results from a hard clam, M. mercenaria, breeding program to improve stocks for commercial mariculture. Poster - National Shellfisheries Association, Norfolk, Va.
1984. Dillon, R.T. Artificial introductions used to assess gene flow potential within and between populations of the freshwater snail, Goniobasis proxima. American Malacological Union, Norfolk, Va.
1982. Dillon, R.T. What shall I measure on my snails? Allozyme data and multivariate analysis used to evaluate the genetic component of morphological variables in Goniobasis proxima. Invited symposium address - American Malacological Union, New Orleans, La.
1981. Dillon, R.T. Evolution at the octopine dehydrogenase locus in a linear population of the freshwater snail, Goniobasis proxima: A two-year report. American Malacological Union, Ft. Lauderdale, Fl.
1979. Dillon, R.T. An electrophoretic and shell morphometric survey of Goniobasis from the upper New River and surrounding drainages. American Malacological Union, Corpus Christi, Tx.
1978. Dillon, R.T. Multivariate analysis of structure in a
freshwater gastropod community: preliminary results. American
Malacological Union, Wilmington,