Disclaimers: (1) This key isn't literally dichotomous. (2) It is intended for use with the 33 freshwater gastropod species and subspecies confirmed for Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and North Dakota. The management will not be responsible for any loss, damage, or injury resulting from its application elsewhere.
1a) Operculum present. . . Subclass Prosobranchia (2)
1b) Operculum absent . . . Subclass Pulmonata (9)
2a) Operculum multispiral [photo] .
. . Valvata
2b) Operculum concentric [photo]
. . . (3)
2c) Operculum paucispiral [photo] . . . (4)
3a) Aperture rounded, adult shell length typically greater
than 40 mm . . . Cipangopaludina
3b) Aperture oblong, adult shell length generally less than 40
mm . . . Campeloma decisum decisum.
4a) Adults over 10 mm shell length . . . (5)
4b) Adults under 10 mm shell length . . . (7)
5b) Oviparous, both sexes present . . . (6)
6a) Ratio of shell length to width generally 2.1 or less . . . Pleurocera potosiensis
6b) Ratio of shell length to width much greater than 2.1 . . . Pleurocera canaliculata acuta
7a) Penis with a single duct . . . (8)
7b) Penis with two ducts . . . Amnicola limosa
8a) Shell acutely spired, suture line strongly impressed . . .
Cincinnatia integra
8b) Shell apex blunt. . . Probythinella
9a) Shell dextral . . . Family Lymnaeidae (10)
9b) Shell sinistral, not planispiral . . . Family Physidae (15)
9c) Shell sinistral, planispiral . . . Family Planorbidae (18)
9d) Shell patelliform . . . Family Ancylidae (25)
10a) Shell with fine spiral periostracal lines . . . Lymnaea caperata
10b) Shell smooth
. . . (11)
11a) Adult shells typically greater than 30 mm in standard length . . .
Lymnaea stagnalis
11b) Adult shell length less than 10 mm . . . (12)
11c) Adult shell length intermediate . . . (13)
12a) First lateral tooth of radula bicuspid [photo]
. . . Lymnaea cubensis/viator
12b) First lateral tooth of radula tricuspid [photo]
. . . Lymnaea humilis
13a) Aperture length less than 60% shell height . . . Lymnaea
13b) Aperture greater than 60% shell height . . . (14)
14a) Whorls convex, sutures deeply impressed . . . Lymnaea
14b) Whorls flat, sutures shallow . . . Lymnaea
15b) Penis bearing a preputial gland . . . (16)
16a) One-part, muscular penial sheath . . . Physa acuta
16b) One-part, glandular penial sheath . . . Physa
16c) Two-part penial sheath . . . (17)
17a) Adults greater than 7 mm shell length, whorls
convex . . . Physa gyrina
17b) Adults less than 7 mm shell length, whorls not notably convex . .
. Physa pomilia
18a) Adult greater than 10 mm shell diameter . . . (19)
18b) Adult less than 10 mm shell diameter . . . (20)
19a) Spire appears deeply indented when viewed from either aspect . . .
19b) Spire appears flattened when viewed from one aspect . . . Helisoma
20a) Shell costate . . . Gyraulus
20b) Shell with periostracal hairs, at least on early whorls . . . Gyraulus
20c) Shell smooth and bare with rounded periphery . . . (21)
20d) Shell smooth and bare, periphery carinate . . . (24)
21a) Top and bottom of shell nearly identical . . . Gyraulus circumstriatus
21b) Top and bottom of shell clearly different . . . (22)
22a) Spire pit shallow and wide . . . Gyraulus parvus
22b) Spire pit deep and narrow . . . (23)
23a) Diameter of body whorl notably larger than earlier whorls
. . . Promenetus umbilacatellus
23b) Diameter of body whorl similar to earlier whorls . . . Planorbula
24a) Carina strong, approximately mid-whorl . . . Promenetus
24b) Carina weak, distinctly off mid-whorl . . . Menetus
25a) Apex distinctly to the right of the midline [photo]
. . . Ferrissia
25b) Apex approximately in the midline [photo]
. . . Ferrissia